segunda-feira, março 10, 2025
Programa Grandes Nomes da Propaganda no canal Markket
InícioMercado DigitalTaco Bell lança campanha global “Terça é Taco” com astro LeBron James

Taco Bell lança campanha global “Terça é Taco” com astro LeBron James

A Taco Bell, rede californiana com cardápio inspirado na culinária mexicana, lança sua primeira campanha global, trazendo como porta-voz LeBron James, uma das maiores estrelas do basquete mundial. Nos EUA, ficou popular o hábito de se comer tacos às terças-feiras e o astro do basquete é um entusiasta de longa data dessa tradição. Buscando difundir esse fenômeno mundo afora, a marca se aliou ao jogador para promover ofertas de tacos, válidas apenas às terças-feiras, em 32 mercados em que a rede está presente.

No Brasil, a Taco Bell acaba de lançar a campanha “Terça é Taco”, com promoções exclusivas nos canais do balcão e delivery. O cliente que visitar as lojas da rede e comprar qualquer combo do cardápio, ganhará um Crunchy Taco Supreme. O delicioso taco é uma combinação de tortilla crocante de milho com proteína, alface, pico de gallo, sour cream e queijo prato. São duas opções de sabores disponíveis: o tradicional com carne moída ou a versão com feijão, para os vegetarianos.

“A ‘Terça é Taco’ já é um fenômeno mundial. No Brasil, vamos promover a campanha com viés cultural para estabelecer a terça como o dia mais divertido e saboroso. Escolhemos ofertas tanto no balcão quanto no delivery para maximizar o alcance e compartilhar com todos os Taco Lovers o melhor dia da semana”, conta Marina Fujii, gerente de Marketing da Taco Bell Brasil.

A campanha contará com vídeo de 15 segundos e desdobramentos no digital, PDV e Midia Exterior. Confira o vídeo estrelado pelo astro LeBron James: acesse. Ficha técnica Taco Tuesday

Client Credits

Global Chief Brand Officer: Sean Tresvant; Chief Marketing Officer, US: Taylor Montgomery; Chief Creative Officer: Evert Lee; Chief Marketing Officer, International: Amy Durini; Senior Director, Advertising and Social: Ashley Prollamante; Senior Manager, Advertising: Amanda Barbosa; Senior Associate Advertising Manager: Chelle Toulouse; Head of Social: Nicole Weltman; Social Media Manager: Christina Massari; Social Media Coordinator: Chloe Landrum; Brand Content, Marketing: Milo Simpson; Influencer & Community Marketing: Tim Bergevin; Entertainment, Sports & Collaborations: Erika Prime; Marketing Manager: Abby Barnes; Brand Manager: Kortnie Richardson; Senior Manager Communications: Matt Prince; Project Management Director: Lisa Schnitzer

Taco Bell Creative

Creative Director: Brandon Bale; Associate Creative Director: Julia Cadar; Senior Art Director: Chase Wood; Designer: John Viet-Triet Nguyen; Senior Project Manager: Cristina Kawecki; Management Supervisor: Samantha Carlino; Senior Account Manager: Chelsea Lancaster; Account Supervisor: Scott Andreen; Account Coordinator: Abby Rodgers

BCT Creative

Brand Content Director: Nicole Harmon; Brand Content Producer: Gerald Carter; Social Producer: Hannah Barth; Post Production Producer: Katy Hale

Agency Credits


Chief Creative Officer: Matt Ian; Creative Director: Felipe Machado; Creative Director: Lincoln Lopes; Senior Art Director: Heather Patterson; Senior Copywriter: Bo Belanger; Senior Creative Services Manager: Lupe Escobar

Account Management

Group Account Director: Matt Matzen; Account Director: Britt Luhrsen; Account Director: Natalie Brock; Account Supervisor: Stef Rust; Account Executive: Leyla Yalman; Account Executive: Sarah Sabin


Head of Production: Diego De La Maza; Executive Producer: Paul Roy; Senior Producer: Harry Joseph


Group Strategy Director: Gabriel Caramelo; Strategy Director: Sara Singh; Social Strategy Director: Lauren Murphy; Connections Strategy Director: Elizabeth Weinstein; Senior Strategist: Nikki Cuerdo; Strategist: Hannah Avery

Digital Production

Executive Digital Producer: Lindsey Najdovski; Senior Digital Producer: Lee Khleang; Digital Producer: Chanel Raquel; Associate Producer; Digital: Nick Costa


Music Director: Chip Herter; Music Supervisor: Will EichlerBusiness Affairs

Director of Business Affairs: Gabriela Farias; Executive Business Affairs Manager: Biba Millstein

Broadcast Traffic

Director of Broadcast Traffic: Carie Bonillo; Senior Broadcast Traffic Manager: Courtney Tylka; Broadcast Traffic Manager: Ana Barraza

Production Company

Production Company: Superprime; Director: Rodrigo Valdes; Managing Director/Executive Producer: Rebecca Skinner; Managing Director / Head of Sales: Michelle Ross; Head of Production/ Executive Producer: Matt Sanders; Producer: Betsy Blakemore; DOP: Joost Vangelder; PD: Pele Kudren

Stills Production

Agency: 2D Creative; Executive Producer/Agent: Shauna Candella; Stills Producer: Kieran Collings; Photographer: Laura Murray


Post House: Nomad Editorial; Editor: Conor O’Neill; Assistant Editor: Dani Weltman; Executive Producer: Justin Ladd P; Executive Producer of VFX: David Ziek; Flame Artist: Josh Kirschenbaum; Flame Assist: Amber Andrada

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